Indollgence had been put on hiatus for a little while, one of those fleeting moment in life when you lose focus dut to a chaotic bombardment of other issues. Indollgence was just a baby dealership at the time and was lost in the chaos that ensued.
That being said, now that I've had enough time to reset everything, it's back and stronger than ever!
We've got heaps going on, just in time to celebrate the re opening of this blog. I'll be sponsoring and providing a prize for the masquerade event in Animania Sydney this year, and also sponsoring and providing a door prize for the Melbourne Doll Market. Dollzone and ShinyDoll are both having awesome events, and there are heaps of new releases from ALL companies!
Check out my company listings page to find ut more about who we represent and watch this space for updates about those events and company news!
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